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News & Announcements


Securly Passes

Securly is an online system your school uses to manage hall passes. Instead of using paper slips to leave the classroom, you use a digital pass on a computer or mobile device.

Parents Digital Guide

Click here to check out our Digital Program Parent Guide. This guide provides step-by-step instructions to help parents navigate and use the digital tools their students will encounter at White Oak Middle School. It covers how to access essential platforms, track academic progress, and support students in using school-approved educational tools effectively.

Chief Kevin Potter

Parents, please talk to your students about social media safety, what to do if they see something threatening, and the potential consequences of making threats, false reports, or spreading misinformation.

Back to School 2024-2025

The first day of the 24-25 school year is Wednesday, August 7. Click here to learn more about registration, school supplies, and back to school information!